Danone France,
a Business Process Factory to manage the group’s key data and processes

Empowering business teams

With over 200 processes launched every day, the Business Process Factory offers unprecedented operational agility. What’s more, the speed of implementation is underlined by the fact that a new workflow is created every three weeks.

Danone France implemented the BPM solution initially for the Blédina brand in order to support supply chain activities and automate certain processes that were too manual. Dispute management, labelling and data updating were just some of the processes that Danone's business teams were able to implement in just a few weeks.

A few months later, the team dedicated to managing the group's key data also discovered the process management application and decided to roll out several pilot projects.

Creation of a mobile application for sales force

  • • Application for Nutricia Pharmacies Sales Force Application shared interface with Master Data Manager
  • • Replacement of paper forms for opening customer accounts in pharmacies
  • • Elimination of bugs and anomalies characteristic of the old software
  • • Operations carried out in offline mode, with up-to-date data
  • • Filling assistance with automatic search for ordinary data
  • • Iterative order form entry
  • • Track history, progress and processing of requests
  • • Connected to Master Data's request management tool
  • • Data traceable and stored in compliance with our GDPR compliance policies

As part of its key data management and process optimization strategy, Danone France has set up a Business Process Factory, an innovative initiative designed to centralize and standardize business process management across the group. This process factory offers a unified platform where different applications cohabit, from heavyweight systems to innovative low-code solutions such as Business Process. This hybrid approach enables Danone to leverage the benefits of established applications while rapidly integrating new, agile and scalable solutions.

With over 200 processes launched every day, the Business Process Factory offers unprecedented operational agility. What's more, the speed of implementation is underlined by the creation of a new workflow every three weeks. This sustained pace enables Danone to continually adapt its business processes to changing market requirements, while maintaining maximum operational efficiency. By unifying data and processes across the enterprise, the Business Process Factory strengthens cross-functional collaboration, accelerates decision-making and improves visibility and control over Danone's entire organizational ecosystem.

“The solution is a real engine that guides all the group’s other applications through the data. So we can make sure that all the information is up to date and coordinate all the activities. The administrative workload has been halved, and the sales and Master Data teams have clearly improved their day-to-day work.”

Master Data Project Manager, Danone France

4 examples of production processes


To have a global view of the product life cycle, from the marketing idea to the shelf, via all the internal stages (R&D, CFO, SALES, Packaging, etc.).


Complaints processing time halved, automatic reminders, connection to ERP, implementation of dashboards, root cause detection.


Automatic contract generation, weighting of requests to route them to the right lawyers, precise monitoring and KPIs on requests.


Management of approvals for packaging changes involving several departments (marketing, quality, suppliers, etc.), prioritisation of requirements.

to business teams

A low-code application to change the daily lives of non-developers.

  • Transforming the activity of the group’s legal department
  • Supporting the overhaul of existing processes
  • Co-construct complete workflows dedicated to group employees