Strengthen your teams’ cloud skills
Jumpstart your cloud usage, adopting the best practices right away! Our trainings have been developed from the ground up by our architects and trainers.

Why choose
OUTSCALE Academy ?
Technical consistency
Our trainings are designed by our team of OUTSCALE cloud experts
100 % DevOps
Our trainings are designed by DevOps experts with significant experience in production systems
100 % accurate
Our trainings are designed to demonstrate our cloud’s capabilities in real-life situations
100% up-to-date
Our trainings are specifically designed for the Outscale cloud, and are frequently updated to develop awareness for new features and services
100 % cloud-native
Our trainings are focused on a cloud-Native approach in which you learn production-ready techniques

“We developed the Academy’s training program in the spirit of being the closest to our clients, to address their very needs in a hands-on manner”
Stéphane ROBERT
Cloud Solution Architect / Trainer, OUTSCALE, Dassault Systèmes
All our training courses are offered in collaboration with M2i Formation.
A leader in France for over 35 years, the M2i group excels in IT, Digital, Management and Soft Skills training, offering recognized expertise and quality support.
Selling OUTSCALE Cloud Products
For anyone involved in cloud services sales / pre-sales cycle
OUTSCALE Cloud Fundamentals
Anyone interested in the discovery and practice of the OUTSCALE cloud principles
OUTSCALE Cloud Architect
Solution architects, designers
of cloud solutions
Keep your OMI up-to-date with Packer
Anyone interested in creating and maintaining a collection of Outscale Machine Images (OMI)
Provision your OUTSCALE resources with Terraform
Anyone interested in automating the management of their OUTSCALE resources using Terraform
Automate your OUTSCALE deployments with Ansible
Anyone interested in automating the deployment of software and their underlying resources
Contact us now