Make responsible and sustainable innovation possible
Corporate Social Responsibility is at the heart of our mission: “The leading Sovereign and Sustainable Operator of trusted Experience as a Service”
OUTSCALE, a Dassault Systèmes brand, is fully committed to contributing to the Group’s Sustainable Development objectives.
Supporting responsible and sustainable
growth digital
All our talents work daily to develop sovereign solutions that guarantee data protection, maximum security, impeccable service quality and consideration of environmental and societal impacts.

A player
in the environmental transition

Quality of service
Guarantor of a sovereign and secure infrastructure

Social and societal
Committed to an inclusive and responsible society
OUTSCALE manage its environmental footprint and use its solutions to contribute to a more responsible world

“Faced with environmental challenges and the growth of digital uses, all players in the value chain must act to control their carbon footprint, make the right choices and support their customers towards the best solutions for an IT for Green. Together with our experts, we are mobilizing all our skills to achieve these objectives and put virtual twins and our cloud at the service of sustainable development””
CSR Manager OUTSCALE, Dassault Systèmes
Choose a responsible and committed partner
Data centers supplied with 100% renewable energy in France and to the highest environmental standards ISO 50001, ISO 14001.
Eco design
Taking eco-responsibility into account in our cloud architectures and solutions.
Green IT & IT for Green
Reasoned equipment choices combining energy efficiency, safety and robustness. OUTSCALE experiences to help our customers meet their ESG challenges.
A program to extend equipment life, increase 2nd life and reconditioning.
nvolved, fulfilled and committed employees thanks to awareness-raising/workshops on relaxation, sport, health, soft skills.
Training programs to support technological developments for our employees and customers.
OUTSCALE, signatory of

Planet Tech Care brings together responsible digital players, convinced that digital technology offers major opportunities for innovation in support of the ecological transition.

This European pact aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030 for cloud operators and data centers.