We are committed and responsible

OUTSCALE strives to provide Cloud technologies that make green and sustainable innovation possible while focusing on people for the sake of present and future generations.


CSR approach to a responsible cloud

Every talent at OUTSCALE contributes to this mission by developing a fully trusted Cloud technology while upholding values such as data protection, security, quality of service, and transparency.

OUTSCALE provides this state-of-the-art high-end technology to organizations. This is what we call Excellence as a Service. This drive towards excellence has pushed us to make a positive social and environmental impact through the quality of our services.




Commitment 1


“Responsible Governance”

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Commitment 2


“Respect for Individual Rights”

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Commitment 3


“Work-life Balance and Working Conditions”

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Commitment 4


“Environmental Protection”

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Commitment 5


“Business Ethics”

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Commitment 6


“Acting in our customers’ best interest”

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Commitment 7


“Local Development”

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