Legal information


Outscale is a limited liability company (société par actions simplifiée), incorporated under French law.

Share Capital: 1 849 930 €

Commercial Register: Nanterre RCS 527 594 493

Head office: 1, rue Royale – 319 Bureaux de la Colline 92210 Saint-Cloud, France

Head of publication: David Chassan

Hosting: Outscale

Photo credits

Copyright and trademark notices

This website and all its contents are the copyrighted property of Outscale SAS, or of their respective owners, indicated if applicable, who reserve themselves all rights related to this website or to its contents. The TINA, Outscale, Cloud Days, OUTSCALE for Entrepreneurs trademarks and the Outscale logo are owned by Outscale SAS. All or part of this website and/or any registered trademark or logo must not be used or displayed publicly without the prior written permission of Outscale SAS.


Informations published on this website are for information only, and may contain errors and/or omissions. Outscale SAS may make changes to this website, to its contents, including any policy or any information published on this website, at any time without notice, unless otherwise specified. This website may include links to other websites, Outscale shall not be responsible for the content of these websites.

General Terms and Conditions of Sale

Download General Terms and Conditions of Sale here: Outscale-GTC-2024-06 English version of the French General Terms and Conditions of Sale from May 30, 2024.

SecNumCloud service agreement

Consult the SecNumCloud service agreement: SecNumCloud Service Agreement 2024-06 English version of French SecNumCloud service agreement published on June 6, 2024.

Personal Data Protection Policy

Consult the Personal Data Policy: Personal Data Protection Policy Outscale 2024-06 as french Personal Data Protection Policy published on May 30, 2024.

Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA)

Consult the DMCA Policy: DMCA Policy English version of the French DMCA Policy from April 3, 2023.

Responsibility Assignment Matrix

Consult the responsability Assignment Matrix : Responsability Assignment Matrix English version of the French Responsability Assignment Matrix from May 31, 2023.

Cookies Policy

Consult the Cookies Policy

EOL Products Policy

Consult the EOL Products Policy: EOL Products Policy

Website Terms of Use

Consult the Website Terms of Use: Website Terms of Use Outscale 2021-06 English version of the French Website Terms of Use from June 24, 2021.

How to Contact us

For any requests or to contact our DPO, you can contact us :

For intellectual property rights complaints, you can email: